Pokemon Radical Red – Evolution Changes v4.0 - Guidetonote.com (2024)

Pokemon Radical Red – Evolution Changes v4.0 - Guidetonote.com (1)

by guidetonote

Only the Pokémon listed here have their evolution method changed.

The rest evolve the same way as they do in the latest official games they appear in (Scarlet/Violet or Sword/Shield).


Evolution methods can be found in your Stat Scanner in-game. To access the Stat Scanner, check a Pokémon’s summary, go to the Stats page and press A.

New Item: Link Cable

Many Pokémon that evolve by trading, with or without an item, now evolve when using a Link Cable on them.

This includes the following Pokémon:

  • Kadabra to Alakazam
  • Machoke to Machamp
  • Graveler to Golem
  • Graveler-Alola to Golem-Alola
  • Haunter to Gengar
  • Rhydon to Rhyperior
  • Electabuzz to Electivire
  • Magmar to Magmortar
  • Dusclops to Dusknoir
  • Boldore to Gigalith
  • Gurdurr to Conkeldurr
  • Karrablast to Escavalier
  • Shelmet to Accelgor
  • Phantump to Trevenant
  • Pumpkaboo to Gourgeist

Other Pokémon that evolve by trading while holding an item now only need to have the evolution item used on those Pokémon.

This includes the following Pokémon:

  • Poliwhirl to Politoed (Use King’s Rock)
  • Slowpoke to Slowking (Use King’s Rock)
  • Onix to Steelix (Use Metal Coat)
  • Scyther to Scizor (Use Metal Coat)
  • Porygon to Porygon2 (Use Upgrade)
  • Feebas to Milotic (Use Prism Scale)

General Evolution Changes

Many of these evolution changes are to allow some mons to evolve earlier for easier/smoother gameplay at respective splits.

All starter Pokémon now evolve at Lv. 16, then Lv. 36 with no exception.


  • Pidgey evolves into Pidgeotto at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 18
  • Rattata evolves into Raticate at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Pikachu evolves into Raichu-Alola with a Shiny Stone
  • Oddish evolves into Gloom at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 21
  • Paras evolves into Parasect at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 24
  • Venonat evolves into Venomoth at Lv. 27 instead of Lv. 31
  • Diglett evolves into Dugtrio at Lv. 22 instead of Lv. 26
  • Psyduck evolves into Golduck at Lv. 27 instead of Lv. 33
  • Primeape evolves into Annihilape after leveling up while knowing Shadow Punch (Lv. 35) instead of Lv. Rage Fist
  • Tentacool evolves into Tentacruel at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 30
  • Geodude evolves into Graveler at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 25
  • Ponyta evolves into Rapidash at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 40
  • Grimer evolves into Muk at Lv. 40 instead of Lv. 38 (?)
  • Gastly evolves into Haunter at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 25
  • Voltorb evolves into Electrode at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 30
  • Exeggcute evolves into Exeggutor-Alola with a Sun Stone
  • Cubone evolves into Marowak-Alola during the night
  • Koffing evolves into Weezing-Galar during the night (currently bugged, can only obtain Weezing)
  • Seadra evolves into Kingdra with a Prism Scale
  • Scyther evolves into Kleavor with a King’s Rock
  • Eevee evolves into Sylveon by simply leveling up while it knows a Fairy-type move
  • Omanyte evolves into Omastar at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 40
  • Kabuto evolves into Kabutops at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 40
  • Meltan evolves into Melmetal with a Metal Coat


  • Quilava evolves into Typhlosion-Hisui at Lv. 36 during the night
  • Hoothoot evolves into Noctowl at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Ledyba evolves into Ledian at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 18
  • Spinarak evolves into Ariados at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 22
  • Hoppip evolves into Skiploom at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 18
  • Gligar evolves into Gliscor with a Dusk Stone
  • Sneasel evolves into Weavile with a Dusk Stone
  • Teddiursa evolves into Ursaring at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 30
  • Ursaring evolves into Ursaluna at Lv. 48
  • Slugma evolves into Magcargo at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 38
  • Swinub evolves into Piloswine at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 33
  • Houndour evolves into Houndoom at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 24
  • Porygon2 evolves into Porygon Z with a Dusk Stone
  • Stantler evolves into Wyrdeer at Lv. 44
  • Smoochum evolves into Jynx at Lv. 27 instead of Lv. 30
  • Elekid evolves into Electabuzz at Lv. 27 instead of Lv. 30
  • Magby evolves into Magmar at Lv. 27 instead of Lv. 30


  • Poochyena evolves into Mightyena at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 18
  • Zigzagoon evolves into Linoone at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Nincada evolves into Ninjask at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Nincada will also evolve into Shedinja at Lv. 16, if the player has a normal Pokéball in their bag and an empty party slot, instead of Lv. 20
  • Nosepass evolves into Probopass with a Metal Coat
  • Trapinch evolves into Vibrava at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 35
  • Vibrava evolves into Flygon at Lv. 44 instead of Lv. 45
  • Cacnea evolves into Cacturne at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 32
  • Loudred evolves into Exploud at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 40
  • Corphish evolves into Crawdaunt at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 30
  • Clamperl evolves into Huntail with a Water Stone
  • Clamperl evolves into Gorebyss with a Sun Stone
  • Shuppet evolves into Banette at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 37
  • Lileep evolves into Cradily at Lv. 30 instead of Lv. 40
  • Anorith evolves into Armaldo at Lv. 30 instead of Lv. 40


  • Burmy-Female evolves into Wormadam at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Burmy-Male evolves into Mothim at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Glameow evolves into Purugly at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 38
  • Shellos-East evolves into Gastrodon-East at Lv. 32 instead of Lv. 30 (?)
  • Stunky evolves into Skuntank at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 34
  • Happiny evolves into Chansey with a Shiny Stone
  • Mime Jr. evolves into Mr. Mime-Galar with an Ice Stone
  • Finneon evolves into Lumineon at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 31
  • Mantyke evolves at Lv. 30 or leveling up with Remoraid in party
  • Snover evolves into Abomasnow at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 40


  • Dewott evolves into Samurott-Hisui at Lv. 36 during the night
  • Patrat evolves into Watchog at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Pidove evolves into Tranquill at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 21
  • Tranquill evolves into Unfezant at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 32
  • Roggenrola evolves into Boldore at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 25
  • Sewaddle evolves into Swadloon at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Petilil evolves into Lilligant with a Sun Stone, or into Lilligant-Hisui with a Leaf Stone
  • Basculin evolves into Basculegion at Lv. 44 (form depends on gender)
  • Sandile evolves into Krokorok at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 29
  • Tirtouga evolves into Carracosta at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 37
  • Archen evolves into Archeops at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 37
  • Trubbish evolves into Garbodor at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 36
  • Gothita evolves into Gothorita at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 32
  • Gothorita evolves into Gothitelle at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 41
  • Solosis evolves into Duosion at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 32
  • Ducklett evolves into Swanna at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 35
  • Vanillish evolves into Vanilluxe at Lv. 44 instead of Lv. 47
  • Deerling evolves into Sawsbuck at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 34
  • Foongus evolves into Amoonguss at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 39
  • Joltik evolves into Galvantula at Lv. 32 instead of Lv. 36
  • Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 39
  • Elgyem evolves into Beheeyem at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 42
  • Litwick evolves into Lampent at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 41
  • Axew evolves into Fraxure at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 38
  • Fraxure evolves into Haxorus at Lv. 44 instead of Lv. 48
  • Cubchoo evolves into Beartic at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 37
  • Mienfoo evolves into Mienshao at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 50
  • Golett evolves into Golurk at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 43
  • Pawniard evolves into Bisharp at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 52
  • Bisharp evolves into Kingambit at Lv. 50
  • Rufflet evolves into Braviary at Lv. 36 during the day instead of Lv. 54, or into Braviary-Hisui at Lv. 36 during the night
  • Vullaby evolves into Mandibuzz at Lv. 45 instead of Lv. 54
  • Deino evolves into Zweilous at Lv. 44 instead of Lv. 50
  • Zweilous evolves into Hydreigon at Lv. 59 instead of Lv. 64


  • Litleo evolves into Pyroar at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 35
  • Flabébé evolves into Floette at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 19
  • Skiddo evolves into Gogoat at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 32
  • Espurr evolves into Meowstic at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 25 (form depends on gender)
  • Spritzee evolves into Aromatisse with a Shiny Stone
  • Swirlix evolves into Slurpuff with a Shiny Stone
  • Binacle evolves into Barbacle at Lv. 35 instead of Lv. 39
  • Skrelp evolves into Dragalge at Lv. 44 instead of Lv. 48
  • Clauncher evolves into Clawitzer at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 37
  • Goomy evolves into Sliggoo-Hisui with a Metal Coat
  • Bergmite evolves into Avalugg-Hisui with an Ice Stone
  • Noibat evolves into Noivern at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 48


  • Dartrix evolves into Decidueye at Lv. 36 during the night, or into Decidueye-Hisui at Lv. 36 during the day
  • Yungoos evolves into Gumshoos during the day at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Crabrawler evolves into Crabominable at Lv. 30
  • Rattata-Alola evolves into Raticate-A during the night at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Diglett-Alola evolves into Dugtrio-A at Lv. 22 instead of Lv. 26
  • Geodude-Alola evolves into Graveler-A at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 25
  • Grimer-Alola evolves into Muk-A at Lv. 40 instead of Lv. 38 (?)


  • Skwovet evolves into Greedent at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 24
  • Rookidee evolves into Corvisquire at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 18
  • Dottler evolves into Orbeetle at Lv. 27 instead of Lv. 30
  • Rolycoly evolves into Carkol at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 18
  • Applin evolves into Appletun with a Sun Stone, or into Flapple with a Leaf Stone
  • Clobbopus can now also evolve at Lv. 36
  • Sinistea evolves into Polteageist with a Moon Stone
  • Hatenna evolves into Hattrem at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 32
  • Impidimp evolves into Morgrem at Lv. 27 instead of Lv. 32
  • Morgrem evolves at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 42
  • Milcery evolves into Alcremie with a Shiny Stone
  • Kubfu evolves into Urshifu-Single with a Dusk Stone, or into Urshifu-Rapid with a Water Stone
  • Snom evolves into Frosmoth with High Friendship during the night
  • Ponyta-Galar evolves into Rapidash-Galar at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 40
  • Slowpoke-Galar evolves into Slowbro-Galar at Lv. 37, or into Slowking-Galar with a King’s Rock
  • Farfetch’d-Galar evolves into Sirfetch’d with High Friendship
  • Zigzagoon-Galar evolves into Linoone-Galar at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 20
  • Yamask-Galar evolves to Runerigus at Lv. 35


  • Voltorb-H evolves into Electrode-H with a Leaf Stone
  • Qwilfish-H evolves into Overqwil at Lv. 36
  • Sneasel evolves into Sneasler at Lv. 47


  • Lechonk evolves into Oinkologne at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 18 (form depends on gender)
  • Nymble evolves into Lokix at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 24
  • Pawmi evolves into Pawmo at Lv. 16 instead of Lv. 18
  • Pawmo evolves into Pawmot at Lv. 32
  • Smoliv evolves into Dolliv at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 25
  • Nacli evolves into Naclstack at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 24
  • Charcadet evolves into Armarouge with a Sun Stone, or into Ceruledge with a Moon Stone
  • Maschiff evolves into Mabosstiff at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 30
  • Shroodle evolves into Grafaiai at Lv. 27 instead of Lv. 28
  • Bramblin evolves into Brambleghast at Lv. 27
  • Toedscool evolves into Toedscruel at Lv. 28 instead of Lv. 30
  • Rellor evolves into Rabsca at Lv. 16
  • Flittle evolves into Espathra at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 35
  • Tinkatink evolves into Tinkatuff at Lv. 23 instead of Lv. 24
  • Tinkatuff evolves into Tinkaton at Lv. 36 instead of Lv. 38
  • Wiglett evolves into Wugtrio at Lv. 22 instead of Lv. 28
  • Varoom evolves into Revavroom at Lv. 34 instead of Lv. 40
  • Gimmighoul evolves into Gholdengo at Lv. 45

Sevii Islands

List of Sevii Pokémon and how they evolve:

  • Doduo-Sevii evolves into Dodrio-Sevii at Lv. 31
  • Mantyke-Sevii evolves into Mantine-Sevii at Lv. 30, or leveling up with Remoraid in the party
  • Teddiursa-Sevii evolves into Ursaring-Sevii at Lv. 28
  • Feebas-Sevii evolves into Milotic-Sevii with a Prism Scale
  • Carnivine-Sevii has no evolution method
  • Blitzle-Sevii evolves into Zebstrika-Sevii at Lv. 27
  • Clauncher-Sevii evolves into Clawitzer-Sevii at Lv. 34
  • Noibat-Sevii evolves into Noivern-Sevii at Lv. 36
  • Dhelmise-Sevii has no evolution method
  • Wishiwashi-Sevii has no evolution method
  • Sizzlipede-Sevii evolves into Centiskorch-Sevii at Lv. 28
  • Nymble-Sevii evolves into Lokix-Sevii at Lv. 23
Pokemon Radical Red – Evolution Changes v4.0 - Guidetonote.com (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.